First things first, the beer. Big Shot Seasonal Ale was delightfully crisp and spicy, with a hint of nuttiness. I'm inclined to call it walnuty. It poured beautifully, resulting in a clear caramel color with a thick fluffy head that clung to the side of the glass, leaving a line of demarcation all the way down. Like a little timeline in a glass. With a 6.5% abv, it was just the right mix of flavor and alcohol for a mellow night with Dr. Jones.
Big Shot led to a couple of revelations while we watched Indy and the Last Crusade.
- Dr. Elsa Schneider is hot... waaaay hotter than Willie Scott.
- Ford and Connery are funny as hell.
- There is nothing worse than a pack of Nazis on motorcycles.
- except for a pack or werewolf Nazis on motorcycles,
- or maybe a pack of transsexual werewolf Nazis on motorcycles.
I would definitely give Big Shot as a gift. It isn't overwhelmingly unique. It doesn't demand a sophisticated palate, nor does it scream "drink me with with $50 steak!" when you pour it. I hate when my beer screams at me. Overall I would give it a score of 6.7485 out of 10.
Please note that my glass is the one on the right, the "I enjoy drinking beer." glass that I won at the Great American Beer Festival this year. How did I win you ask? The Onion was there, handing out swag to people with good stupid human tricks. Well, slightly less than sober, D and I toddle over to the booth to show them my trick. Um... touch my nose with my tongue? Nope, not good enough, seen it too many times. *Light bulb!* Pick my nose with my tongue?! Bingo. I'm now the proud owner of some stickers and a pint glass. Hooray beer!
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