Monday, December 29, 2008

Big Shot and Nazis on Motorcycles

As promised, last night we cracked open the Big Shot from The Fort Collins Brewery. The winter warmer, a brown ale in this case, was the perfect accompaniment to the new electric blanket on the couch. While all snuggled in with the Big Shot, we turned on Last Crusade. Could the night get any better? I think not.

First things first, the beer. Big Shot Seasonal Ale was delightfully crisp and spicy, with a hint of nuttiness. I'm inclined to call it walnuty. It poured beautifully, resulting in a clear caramel color with a thick fluffy head that clung to the side of the glass, leaving a line of demarcation all the way down. Like a little timeline in a glass. With a 6.5% abv, it was just the right mix of flavor and alcohol for a mellow night with Dr. Jones.

Big Shot led to a couple of revelations while we watched Indy and the Last Crusade.

  • Dr. Elsa Schneider is hot... waaaay hotter than Willie Scott.
  • Ford and Connery are funny as hell.
  • There is nothing worse than a pack of Nazis on motorcycles.
  • except for a pack or werewolf Nazis on motorcycles,
  • or maybe a pack of transsexual werewolf Nazis on motorcycles.

I would definitely give Big Shot as a gift. It isn't overwhelmingly unique. It doesn't demand a sophisticated palate, nor does it scream "drink me with with $50 steak!" when you pour it. I hate when my beer screams at me. Overall I would give it a score of 6.7485 out of 10.

Please note that my glass is the one on the right, the "I enjoy drinking beer." glass that I won at the Great American Beer Festival this year. How did I win you ask? The Onion was there, handing out swag to people with good stupid human tricks. Well, slightly less than sober, D and I toddle over to the booth to show them my trick. Um... touch my nose with my tongue? Nope, not good enough, seen it too many times. *Light bulb!* Pick my nose with my tongue?! Bingo. I'm now the proud owner of some stickers and a pint glass. Hooray beer!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

In the beginning...

This all started with a book that we got for Christmas. Wait... perhaps I should tell you who "we" are. That would help a bit since "we" includes my partner in crime and beer-consumption, Wilhelm. Anyhow, we received a book called Christmas Beer by Don Russell. Greatest. Book. Ever. It contains the history of Christmas and beer! Not to mention the the top 50 (yes, 50!) best Christmas beers in the world... and it's a big world! As if that wasn't enough, after the Top 50 list, there's another 100 or so more beers to enjoy for Christmas.

After a slight aneurysm, I had an idea. Why don't I make a New Year Resolution to drink more beer! Well, not more beer per se, but expand my horizons. Drink those beers that I see at the liquor store and go, "that looks interesting/gross/scary/tasty... maybe next time". Well, no more next time. I'm going to try new beers, in addition to my favorites, and I'm gonna tell you all about them! Living in Colorado, it would be absolute madness not to get started with a local brew. So thanks to Jack, we're going to start with Big Shot from the Fort Collins Brewery. Stay tuned...